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Improving Cancer Surgery – Starting with Breast Cancer

The challenge and often unknown fact about breast cancer surgery is that surgeons don’t achieve what’s considered to be a complete cancer resection approximately 30% of the time.  Breast cancer impacts almost 300,000 women in the United States every year, the majority of whom are eligible for breast conserving surgery, commonly referred to as a lumpectomy. The entire care continuum for these patients is centered around complete removal of cancerous tissue. However, the current standard of care has clinically proven limitations including that 20 – 40% of the time patients need to have a second surgery to remove residual cancer due to positive pathology margins, and conversely 19% of the time residual cancer remains in patients with negative pathology margins. This is important because incomplete tumor resection doubles the risk of recurrence for patients.

Lumicell was founded with the fundamental mission to improve cancer surgery.

“My wife died of breast cancer in 2003.  Since then, I’ve made it my mission to help prevent others from experiencing the same pain from cancer left behind after surgery.” – W. David Lee, Co-Founder of Lumicell

The Lumicell Direct Visualization System (DVS) was designed to be an adjunct to the standard of care with the goal of assisting surgeons in the detection and removal of residual cancer in real time. The first of its kind system consists of an optical imaging agent, LUMISIGHT, a handheld probe designed to be placed inside the breast cavity and a patient calibrated cancer detection software to enable surgeons to achieve a more complete cancer resection. In clinical trials with over 700 breast cancer patients in some of the top cancer centers including Mass General, MD Anderson, Stanford, Duke, Cleveland Clinic and others, surgeons have demonstrated the ability to remove residual cancer left behind during the initial surgery. 

The FDA has recognized the potential to fill an unmet need and has granted Breakthrough Device Designation for the Lumicell DVS and Fast Track Designation for LUMISIGHT. The company has recently completed their FDA submissions for approval and expects approval later this year with a launch planned for early 2024. 

Lumicell’s proprietary, pan-oncologic optical imaging agent LUMISIGHT is also being explored across a wide variety of solid tumor indications. To learn more about how Lumicell has the potential to impact breast cancer surgery please visit and follow the company on Twitter and LinkedIn.  

The Lumicell DVS and LUMISIGHT are limited by Federal (or United States) law to investigational use only. The Lumicell DVS is not commercially available.

For more information please contact Matthew T. Sheridan at