
Family Spotlight Group Office

Investment Opportunity defining a New Category in Mental Fitness & Employee Wellbeing

We are happy to introduce an exciting impact investment opportunity with LifeGuides, defining a new category in the Mental Fitness and wellbeing sector.

LifeGuide fills a startling gap in the HR benefits marketplace – for services between mental health/crisis services and coaching for high potential talent. As one Member stated: “More casual than therapy, more qualified than a friend.” Hundreds of Certified Guides offer employees access to over 400+ topics of Personal Growth, Lifelong Learning or Life Challenges. Members choose Guides based on exact targeted Life Experience, and other demographic factors, that address a current life event.

LifeGuides is a deeply human, Peer-to-Peer platform, in a B2B SaaS business model. LifeGuides defines a new marketplace category: “Life Guidance for Everyday Life.”

Here is a short video introducing the LifeGuides service:

By providing employees with experienced and empathetic support (with Certified LifeGuides), across the broadest range of “everyday” life events, employees lead happier and more productive lives – both at home and at work.

Satisfied clients include: Kaiser Permanente, Mattel, the Rockefeller Foundation and Drivetime. Market traction includes an 85%+ Rebook Rate, 4.75 stars out of 5.00 average ratings, and NPS above 90! The company is early growth stage, with compelling metrics to rapidly scale. The leadership team is deep and full of proven entrepreneurs. The team is currently topping off a Series A Preferred.

Please join LifeGuides for an exclusive webinar with CEO Derek Lundsten and President Eric Aubertin, on May 25th at 2:00 p.m. ET. Click Here to RSVP

For more information please contact Matthew Sheridan at