SFOG Webinar Series: Axitan – Removing Antibiotics From Livestock & Aquaculture Production

Axitan seeks to provide sustainable and cost-effective solutions that displace antibiotic-use in animal agriculture.

A growing population coupled with an increasing demand for animal protein continues to put pressure on already-scarce resources, such as farmland, water and grain. This, coupled with the growing threat of antibiotic-resistant bacteria – in part caused by the overuse of antibiotics in animal protein production – has required the industry to adopt innovative solutions (i.e new technologies and improved farm management practices) in order to produce more food with less resources.

Axitanʼs first product – FORC3® – is a microalgae-based feed ingredient with proven efficacy. It specifically targets and kills the pathogenic bacteria Clostridium perfringens in broiler chicken production, which causes one of the most common and financially-impactful poultry diseases. Axitan believes FORC3® is the solution to the industry’s need to improve resource-efficiency.

The biotechnology company has achieved some significant milestones, such as:

  1. Patent protection of Axitanʼs proprietary technology
  2. Award and completion of two Innovate UK grants
  3. Successful in vivo challenge trials demonstrating efficacy (a world-first using microalgae)
  4. Fully operational U.S. based pilot scale manufacturing facility
  5. FDA regulatory alignment through GRAS affirmation
  6. Successful US-based customer field trials demonstrating highly- attractive ROIʼs
  7. Exciting second product identified and in development (with a third in the works)

In anticipation of continued successful trials and large purchase orders, we are seeking relationships with Family Offices and others in order to scale our operations towards full-scale production (via CMOs) to meet customer demand, ramp up sales & marketing, and continue to develop Axitanʼs IP portfolio in order to expand its product pipeline.