SFOG Webinar Series: Axitan- Rethinking Animal Agriculture

Global animal health and nutrition is a 65 Billion dollar a year market. Axitan is facilitating a cost effective transition away from conventional antibiotics within the animal agriculture industry.

  • Axitan’s GRAS dossier has now been pre-approved by the independent expert panel. Final signature will take place once Axitan’s manuscript obtains a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from the publishing journal, Avian Diseases. The manuscript has been accepted for publication and is currently with the publisher to ensure it is in the correct format before publication. Once Axitan receives the manuscripts DOI, the GRAS dossier will be signed and Axitan will be compliant with all US federal regulations. Thus, it will be able to commence large scale field studies and sell its product – FORC3®

  • Axitan has a field study scheduled in September with a Top 5 US poultry producer.

  • Axitan has a field study scheduled for November with a top 10 US poultry producer and industry opinion leader. It was one of the first companies in the US to remove all antibiotics from its broilers.

  • Axitan has agreed terms of a PO that will enable it to initially sell excess capacity from its manufacturing site before expanding volumes once contract manufacturing sources come online.